Kia ora koutou Over the weekend the Prime Minister announced further border controls for entry to NZ, including a temporary ban on cruise ships entering NZ waters. This morning shipping agents have confirmed that all cruise bookings to Picton have been cancelled for the rest of this season. All other international shipping (such as log ships) are subject to additional heightened border security measures. These measures include enhanced pre-arrival procedures and quarantine provisions. There have been no issues with any crew or vessel to date and we are constantly monitoring this. We have been working with the Ministry of Health, Maritime NZ, Nelson Marlborough DHB, MDC and customers for some time, and will continue to ensure border controls are appropriate and the risk of spread of COVID-19 is minimised. Please be assured our priority is the health and well-being of our staff, customers and community. We will be updating our website as quickly as possible with any changes and I encourage you to keep up to date with the Ministry of Healthās website. NÄku noa, nÄ Rhys Welbourn, CEO Port Marlborough.